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Home / Sailing Committee / Cruising / Cruise in Company (CiC) / Cruise in Company - 10th/11th Sept. 2022
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Home / Sailing Committee / Cruising / Cruise in Company (CiC) / Cruise in Company - 10th/11th Sept. 2022

Cruise in Company - 10th/11th Sept. 2022

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The final RFYC 'Cruise in Company', an overnight escapade to Port Edgar, was held on 10/11 September; this overnight event having been postponed earlier in the season due to bad weather. The event started at noon on the Saturday with a leisurely sail up the 'Forth in very light airs; most progress being made courtesy of the incoming tide.

The fleet consisted of Amy-K (Hugh Dignan) Markate (Ally Black), Solveig (Neil Moffat and Stuart Fowler), Moon White (Fiona and Simon Harrison) and Tidecatcher (Brian Robertson and Mark Harding).

All boats made it safely into Port Edgar by late afternoon and aperitifs were enjoyed whilst plans were made for the evening. Some members ate on board, whilst others headed to the bright lights of South Queensferry for evening sustenance.

Having regrouped for the evening, socialising on Tidecatcher, the group enjoyed a very pleasant evening and supper. Ally 'the mooth' Black refrained from entertaining us with his mouth organ (much to the disappointment of the group but not, it must be said, to the residents of South Queensferry). He did however succeed in consuming most of the bottle of rum he had brought to the occasion, himself!

Mark Harding had been tasked with providing a supper of cheese and biscuits, which he did most generously, with enough of each to choke a horse. All of which, however, was much appreciated by the group. The occasion went on until late evening when, with all sufficiently fed and watered, everyone retired to bed.

Port Edgar used to be accessible 24/7, but not now, and most boats sat 'mud bound' on the Sunday morning until the incoming tide allowed us to depart. Still, it allowed the group a leisurely start to the day. The day was beautiful, but what little breeze there was was north easterly, and on the nose. So, with the incoming tide also against us, we all departed and headed east under power.

Aboard Tidecatcher we did manage to get the sails up once we were east of Inchmickery, with the north easterly breeze giving us a good reach back into Granton.

Overnight cruises in company are always great social events, and this one was no exception.

Thus ends the cruising season for another year, but we will all be looking ahead to more nautical adventures next season!!

Brian Robertson

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Last updated 11:01 on 17 July 2024

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