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Home / Visitors


Visitor Information

Granton is well placed for yachtsmen visiting the Forth as a destination or in passage north or south. It is one of the few places to stop over between Blyth and Peterhead. Although it is some 20 miles from the mouth of the Forth it is a good stopover to visit Edinburgh. The Edinburgh Marina Ltd is jointly owned and managed by Royal Forth Yacht Club (RFYC) and Forth Corinthian Yacht Club (FCYC). There are no facilities for fuel for visitors or members (due to legal restrictions).

There are frequent buses into Edinburgh City Centre (Service 16, 19 & 47) and direct to the airport (Service 200).

The pontoon has water points and hoses, but craft should ideally provide their own hose and use of the pontoon hoses is at the owner's discretion. There is no shore power. The pontoon benefits from 24hr CCTV monitoring.

Edinburgh Marina Approach. Photo:

RFYC members will be aware that overnight occupation of the pontoons incurs a charge which requires to be paid to 'The Edinburgh Marina Ltd'. Currently for members the charge is (overnight Sunday to Thursday) - £0.75/m and (overnight Friday and Saturday) £1.50/m.

To qualify for the above 'reduced' rates, members must have already paid for a summer mooring in the harbour or be 'dry sailing' with yard storage. Otherwise, visitor's rates (£3.00/m) must be applied.

Members are reminded that no bill will be issued; it is the responsibility of each member to come forward and make prompt and appropriate payment within 7 days of the completion of their stay on the pontoon. Members are therefore requested to pay outstanding dues direct to the EML Bank of Scotland bank account (Acc. No. 00352440, Sort Code: 80 02 33). Please note that if you are making any payments to this account, you must confirm details of the payment (Boat name - dates on the pontoon - payment made etc.) by email to the following, otherwise your payment may not be recorded:


Visitors should preferably register and pay online at:-

The security gate code will be given when payment is received.

Alternatively, come into the RFYC club office (09:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs Tuesday to Friday, or 09:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs on a Wednesday) to register/pay and be given the access number for key-pad access to the clubhouse, which will normally allow entrance during daytime hours. These hours may vary due to operational reasons.

For those unable to pay by the above methods, there is an Honesty Box situated just inside the EML security gate. Please fill out the boat details on the envelope and deposit, with enclosed payment, in the metal box.

Berthing charge for visitors is £3.00/m LOA (rounded to nearest 0.5m) per night. Access to the pontoon from land is by keypad, with the number available on payment of berthing charge. No stay can be for more than 14 days except by prior arrangement.

Photo: Ken Dougall


Visiting crew are very welcome to use the facilities of the Royal Forth Yacht Club and the Forth Corinthian Yacht Club.

To gain access to the RFYC facilities (daytime hours):

Either attend at the RFYC club office or phone +44 131 552 8560 (09:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs Tuesday to Friday, or 09:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs on a Wednesday) and the access code will be given.

To gain access to the FCYC facilities:

Daytime and overnight access may be gained to the FCYC facilities by using the same gate code as for the EML pontoon gate.

Dredging has been done at the pontoons to improve access; at present the depth in the harbour approach to the pontoon is 1.2 metres below chart datum though there is a small hump of 0.5 metres below datum just before the pontoons. For most tides this is not a problem. Depth on the pontoons is now at just below chart datum for most of the inside and half the outside of the pontoons. The outside southern half is just above chart datum. The bottom below the pontoons is soft mud.

The pontoon is visited every day by a volunteer and both clubs do their best to make visitors welcome. Please, if possible, register and pay in advance and, if further information is required, write to: or contact the office:, +44 131 552 8560.

Last updated 12:37 on 4 December 2024

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