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Home / Sailing Committee / Cruising / Cruise in Company (CiC) / Cruise in Company - 15th May, 2022
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Home / Sailing Committee / Cruising / Cruise in Company (CiC) / Cruise in Company - 15th May, 2022

Cruise in Company - 15th May, 2022

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The first 'C in C' of the 2022 season got off to a dismal start when a fairly large group of participants turned up at the clubhouse for the 'C in C' briefing. The forecast of an easterly breeze with showers was not particularly inspiring and, indeed, the light drizzle had already started. With a hope of better conditions later on however the group decided to continue with the event and plans were made to head across the Firth' to Barnhill Bay close to Mossmorran.

The 'gentle' easterly breeze was predicted to remain constant all day and this forecast was relevant to what was to occur later on.

This first 'C in C' was very well supported with Glengarry, Idothea, Kismet, Markate, Moonwhite, Myrene, Ingrid, Skimmer, Solveig and Tidecatcher in attendance. Shalimar was also represented but they went AWOL somewhere along the way!

The breeze across the Firth' was perhaps stronger than forecast with Glengarry reporting a 'knockdown' close to Oxcars. It is strongly rumoured however that this was down to a skipper's error rather than a rogue gust of wind! Nevertheless, most of the fleet made it to Barnhill Bay (carefully avoiding the Meadulse rocks) in good order.

Barnhill Bay is a lovely spot, well protected from the north and west, with fine views of the nearby Aberdour Golf Course. The bay dries at LW but it is an ideal stopping place on a rising tide. The boats managed to anchor without problem but, with the prevailing easterly (which appeared to be gathering in strength !), conditions were a bit lumpy in the bay and so rafting up was not possible.

After our lunch stop the boats started to return in ones and twos but, by this time, the breeze had turned into something a bit stronger and we all enjoyed an exhilarating, albeit it unexpected, return to Granton with force 6 wind on the beam.

The event was enjoyed by all and it certainly blew away the cobwebs! The next event is planned for Saturday 28th May.

B Robertson

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Last updated 11:01 on 17 July 2024

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