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Home / News / Open Sailing @ RFYC Tuesday 11th July 2023
Home / News / Open Sailing @ RFYC Tuesday 11th July 2023

Open Sailing @ RFYC Tuesday 11th July 2023

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Published 11:02 on 12 Jul 2023

Open Sailing @ RFYC Tuesday 11th July 2023

Again, we were blessed by the weather Gods!

Last night's Open Sailing event turned out to be a most enjoyable couple of hours spent on the water for those taking part.

The weather predictions in the lead up to the event were looking quite grim with Westerly gusts of up to 25knts and heavy rain forecast. However, the evening turned out to be not quite as predicted and all six boats managed to take our guests out for a few hours of enjoyable sailing without getting them wet.

Upon leaving the harbour, most boats headed out towards Burntisland and turned around at the deep-water channel to enable them to be back in harbour before the boatman's ferry service finished.

Returning to the bar afterwards for refreshments gave everyone a chance to catch up and allowed guests the opportunity to enquire about membership of RFYC and how they should progress with their sailing ambitions.

Once again, a huge thanks to all the skippers who gave up their time to make this event possible and to Callum who very kindly stepped in to run the bar.

Our next Open Sailing event takes place on Tuesday 25th July 2023 at 17.45hrs

Hoping to see you then.



Last updated 11:01 on 17 July 2024

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