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Home / News / THANK YOU: Discover Sailing, Sunday 5th May
Home / News / THANK YOU: Discover Sailing, Sunday 5th May

THANK YOU: Discover Sailing, Sunday 5th May

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Published 14:54 on 10 May 2024

Another very successful Discover Sailing event was enjoyed by many on Sunday 5th May.

The team would just like to say a big thank you for making this year's event another successful one! It was very well managed and executed, showing what the Club has to offer our guests. We had 84 people on the water, sold lots of burgers and pints, and have already received some membership applications from people who went out on the day. There were quite a few guests interested in continuing their interest via the Open Sailing evenings and also our Cadets programme, which we do aim to satisfy in the coming weeks and months. It really was a beautiful day with lots of good feedback and happy faces.

The boats and shore volunteers did an absolutely stellar job, so please accept our heartfelt thanks.

Last but not least, thank you to to our marvellous shore external volunteers. It was lovely to have the presence of Stacey and Bobby on Tuk Tuks, an actual fire engine for kids to get excited about, and our beloved Annie at the First Aid table. Our delightful patio guests were:

  • MCSUK (Marine Conservation Society)
  • St Andrew's First Aid
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Scottish Wildlife Trust
  • Granton:hub with Edinburgh College of Art (local heritage research project/ community consultation project)
  • Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

Do look them up to carry on the engagement.

So, have a look at the Discover Sailing 2024 photo album on our facebook @RoyalForthYachtClub, and if you want to get in touch, you know where to find us!

Here's to a happy sailing season for new and old Royal Forth members!


Last updated 11:01 on 17 July 2024

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