SPRING TALK: Sailing round Britain - aged 82! by Murdoch McGregor
Published 15:09 on 5 Apr 2023
Having recently given a talk at Musselburgh RC, with a few RFYC members in the audience who were extremely impressed by his story, we have been lucky to get Murdoch McGregor along to our Club for a repeat talk.
Murdoch did a solo round-UK trip aged 82, having only been sailing since he was 72. He is one of life's inspiring pioneering gentleman, and a natural storyteller to boot. His engaging character sounds to have drawn interesting people into his path, so expect several tangential stories. His vessel, Artemis, originated from RFYC too!
If you come along and listen to Murdoch, be prepared to invigorate your retirement, if you're retired, or if you haven't yet, then plan for lofty adventures when it happens!
Murdoch was crowned UK Sailor of the Year at the British Yachting Awards 2021. Here he is with Artemis talking about his experience and his new title: www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/scotland/59805678
Why not get out of that "big chair" and come and join us, especially if you're 72 and over.
- SPRING TALK - Sailing round Britain - aged 82! (20 April 2023, 19:00 - 22:00)
Last updated 12:26 on 4 December 2024