Open Sailing - 27th August, 2024

Published 11:27 on 28 Aug 2024
The final of this years popular Open Sailing events took place last night (27th August) and was well attended by both guests and skipper/boat owners.
With the blustery conditions that threatened throughout the day fading, our fourteen guests were treated to a few hours of pleasant evening sailing on the Forth.
With limited time available, seven boats took to the water with most opting to head West in SW winds and round Inchmickery before having to return to harbour.
On return to the clubhouse for refreshments and the chance to socialise, most guests expressed how much they had enjoyed the experience and made enquiries as to how they might continue their interest in sailing.
A huge thanks must go to all the skippers for giving up their time and making their boats available to take our guests out on all of the Open Sailing events that have taken place this year.
A huge thanks to Torben and Neil for tending the bar on the evening and to Karen, Hannah and Mark for backroom admin throughout the year.
Hopefully next season can be as equally successful and our membership will continue to expand as a result of these events.
Last updated 12:25 on 4 December 2024