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A day in the life of ... a Day Skipper Practical

Louise helming on Stormdancer. Photo credit Katie O'Neill

Louise writes about her experience completing a Day Skipper Practical course on the West Coast of Scotland.

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Sunday 22nd September, 2019
White Smoke

Upon arriving on the boat, Stormdancer, tea was served and introductions made before we all received a grand tour of the boat. I was amazed at the huge array of teas and spices on offer; both fridges were fully stocked! This would not be the type of sailing cuisine I was used to although there's a lot to be said for the pies on Solveig!

The safety equipment was explained from bow to stern, including all the usual stuff: fire blanket, fire extinguishers, gas shut off valves, danbuoys, man overboard recovery sling, life-raftThe list goes on.

We talked about springing off the mooring lines and other boat handling skills and, given the light wind, we had plenty of time to practice our skills.

After practicing the use of prop wash to turn the boat without making way forwards or backwards, we were next planning to spend more time practicing mooring up alongside a pontoon before heading back into the same berth at Troon Yacht Haven.

However, during Jacob's manoeuvring, a large amount of what appeared to be white smoke billowed out from our stern.

"Steve, you better look at this" I said nervously, watching as very little water emerged from where a waterfall usually spouted. Steve explained that it was clear this was steam, not smoke and that we would need to check the engine.

Having already done our engine checks, we were surprised to find that insufficient water was coming through the inlet.

"It must be blocked!" And so the search for a long chopstick-type shaped instrument began.

'Chopstick' in hand, I jumped at the opportunity to prod at the water inlet of our poorly engine and just a few seconds later something distinctly squishy was dislodged and the water came gushing up once more. Success!

Now we could all relax with a glass of wine and some delicious food and guess whether that 'squish' was an unlucky jellyfish or simply an evil turtle-killing plastic bag.

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Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Stormdancer's crew on station during a passage undertaken during the Day Skipper Practical Course. Photo credit - Katie O'Neill

  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Louise helming on Stormdancer. Photo credit - Katie O'Neill
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Night sailing. Photo credit - Katie O'Neill
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Night sailing. Photo credit - Katie O'Neill
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Washing the windows, the easy way. Photo credit - Katie O'Neill
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Moored on the pontoon.
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Light reading on Stormdancer.
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Louise helming on Stormdancer.
  • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Solitude.
  • Monday 23rd September, 2019
    Venturing Out

    The first passage was to Brodick and we would need a plan to get us to a comfortable lunch stop over on the Isle of Arran.

    Although we had a chart plotter on board, we practiced planning with the paper charts, making notes we could carry with us on deck and leaving the charts easily accessible for checking later.

    The plan went swimmingly, allowing us a stop in Lamlash Bay to practice picking up a mooring buoy before settling for the night on a buoy in Brodick Bay.

    Tuesday 24th September, 2019
    Shallow Waters and Hidden Rocks

    It was time to head to Bute, stopping at Glencallum Bay for lunch. The wind wasn't kind to us and we ended up motoring but there was plenty to keep us entertained as we were told to check carefully for the hidden rock.

    While some of the shallows were easy to spot on the charts and avoid, there was one 'gotcha' a rock that had been reported but didn't show on the charts and yes, we can confirm it's there!

    Thankfully we didn't quite hit it I'm sure Steve would have saved us but it was a wee bit closer than intended!

    After all that excitement, we enjoyed the luxury of another pontoon berth in Port Bannatyne.

    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Stormdancer's boom meets Stormdancer's mast.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Stormdancer - GBR 1424T.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Being chased by locals from the bay...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Ferry avoidance...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Katie helming on Stormdancer whilst sharing a joke with Steve.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Another beautiful sunset...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Jacob and Steve crewing on Stormdancer.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Katie helming on Stormdancer.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Steve helming on Stormdancer.

    Wednesday 25th September, 2019
    "Umm, That Nav Light Is Moving"

    Wednesday was the chance to experience night sailing but first there was a chance to practice sailing onto a buoy in light winds, anchoring and ferry avoidance!

    Most on the boat had been on board during a night sail but my challenge was to skipper!

    First failure thinking I knew things about Caladh Harbour (point A) as we were already there and I'd skimmed the sailing instructions yesterday.

    Steve calmly asked; "So did you know about the rock just below the surface over there?"

    "Of course, Steve, don't worry we're miles away from it"

    But no, I did not. Lesson learned!

    We soon began to struggle with the 'navigation lights' we had been following in the distance. That is, until we realised they were actually the headlights of a car driving along the coastline!

    I wondered why I kept losing sight of them at least I wasn't the only one! That just goes to show how difficult it is to spot the correct lights in some areas.

    The rest of the passage went more smoothly, following actual navigation lights from channel marker buoys and cardinals down to the area of moorings just outside Port Bannatyne.

    To finish off a fantastic passage we were rocked to sleep by rolling waves in Kames Bay.

    While the others worried I would be cursing the seasickness, I slept like a baby. It seems it is all in my head!

    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019The importance of illuminated dials at night.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019"Don't believe everything you hear..." Steve reassures the crew that mists rarely contain monsters...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Steve observes the onset of mist...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Water smooth enough for a stone-skipping competition...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Ferry avoidance is well advised...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019A Starboard marker buoy.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019A North Cardinal (two arrows pointing up)
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Passage planning on the chart plotter.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019A boat, afloat, we wrote in a note...

    Click/tap image to view full-size.

    Thursday 26th September, 2019
    "The Windows Are In The Water!"

    We left Kames Bay and headed to a lunch-time anchorage by Little Cumbrae.

    After a great deal of bobbing about and slow-motion tacking, the wind finally picked up on our last day, rather more than I would have liked it to: the windows were given a good salty wash, the decks were soaked and yet it was still smiles all round.

    As we arrived back in Troon we took some time to practice coming alongside at the fuel berth.

    The blustery approach to our home berth was going so well and I gingerly nudged the boat forwards but I wasn't confident enough and there was an unsettling crash when the boat made contact with the wooden edge of the pontoon But we'd made it!

    Some helpful explanation from Steve followed as he calmed me down and then took time to reflect on what we had learnt during the week.

    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Steve Scott.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019A port marker buoy (red).
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019An isolated danger mark (two circles).
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Time for reflection.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Lighthouse, rocks, storm clouds... the day skipper notices ALL...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Katie helming on Stormdancer.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Daily lessons...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019When the view is this good, who would ever want to be ashore?
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019"Mmmmppph mmmppphhh...."

    Friday 27th September, 2019
    You've Passed!

    After the usual breakfast spread and 'packing' for me this roughly translates as throwing things into a holdall in a disorderly fashion we cleaned the boat which took only an hour or so with each of us cleaning a different area.

    Richard, the chief instructor, arrived to find out how our week had gone over a cup of tea and we were all enthusiastically recounting the Force 6 fun yesterday.

    We all filled out our personal log books a total of 95NM! discussed plans for the future and received our certificates.

    What a great week and now we can officially charter boats!

    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019It wasn't ALL mist and no wind...
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Good sailing conditions return.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Forward view through the cockpit screen.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Stern view from Stormdancer.
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Sometimes life does come with labels!
    • Louise's Day Skipper Practical Blog, 2019Katie helming on Stormdancer.


    With thanks to Steve Scott and the team at New Horizon Sailing School, Troon.

    Last updated 12:38 on 4 December 2024

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